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Introducing end-to-end data lineage (preview) visualization in Amazon DataZone

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Amazon DataZone is a data management service to catalog, discover, analyze, share, and govern data between data producers and consumers in your organization. Engineers, data scientists, product managers, analysts, and business users can easily access data throughout your organization using a unified data portal so that they can discover, use, and collaborate to derive data-driven insights.

Now, I am excited to announce in preview a new API-driven and OpenLineage compatible data lineage capability in Amazon DataZone, which provides an end-to-end view of data movement over time. Data lineage is a new feature within Amazon DataZone that helps users visualize and understand data provenance, trace change management, conduct root cause analysis when a data error is reported, and be prepared for questions on data movement from source to target. This feature provides a comprehensive view of lineage events, captured automatically from Amazon DataZone’s catalog along with other events captured programmatically outside of Amazon DataZone by stitching them together for an asset.

When you need to validate how the data of interest originated in the organization, you may rely on manual documentation or human connections. This manual process is time-consuming and can result in inconsistency, which directly reduces your trust in the data. Data lineage in Amazon DataZone can raise trust by helping you understand where the data originated, how it has changed, and its consumption in time. For example, data lineage can be programmatically setup to show the data from the time it was captured as raw files in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), through its ETL transformations using AWS Glue, to the time it was consumed in tools such as Amazon QuickSight.

With Amazon DataZone’s data lineage, you can reduce the time spent mapping a data asset and its relationships, troubleshooting and developing pipelines, and asserting data governance practices. Data lineage helps you gather all lineage information in one place using API, and then provide a graphical view with which data users can be more productive, make better data-driven decisions, and also identify the root cause of data issues.

Let me tell you how to get started with data lineage in Amazon DataZone. Then, I will show you how data lineage enhances the Amazon DataZone data catalog experience by visually displaying connections about how a data asset came to be so you can make informed decisions when searching or using the data asset.

Getting started with data lineage in Amazon DataZone
In preview, I can get started by hydrating lineage information into Amazon DataZone programmatically by either directly creating lineage nodes using Amazon DataZone APIs or by sending OpenLineage compatible events from existing pipeline components to capture data movement or transformations that happens outside of Amazon DataZone. For information about assets in the catalog, Amazon DataZone automatically captures lineage of its states (i.e., inventory or published states), and its subscriptions for producers, such as data engineers, to trace who is consuming the data they produced or for data consumers, such as data analyst or data engineers, to understand if they are using the right data for their analysis.

With the information being sent, Amazon DataZone will start populating the lineage model and will be able to map the identifier sent through the APIs with the assets already cataloged. As new lineage information is being sent, the model starts creating versions to start the visualization of the asset at a given time, but it also allows me to navigate to previous versions.

I use a preconfigured Amazon DataZone domain for this use case. I use Amazon DataZone domains to organize my data assets, users, and projects. I go to the Amazon DataZone console and choose View domains. I choose my domain Sales_Domain and choose Open data portal.

I have five projects under my domain: one for a data producer (SalesProject) and four for data consumers (MarketingTestProject, AdCampaignProject, SocialCampaignProject, and WebCampaignProject). You can visit Amazon DataZone Now Generally Available – Collaborate on Data Projects across Organizational Boundaries to create your own domain and all the core components.

I enter “Market Sales Table” in the Search Assets bar and then go to the detail page for the Market Sales Table asset. I choose the LINEAGE tab to visualize lineage with upstream and downstream nodes.

I can now dive into asset details, processes, or jobs that lead to or from those assets and drill into column-level lineage.

Interactive visualization with data lineage
I will show you the graphical interface using various personas who regularly interact with Amazon DataZone and will benefit from the data lineage feature.

First, let’s say I am a marketing analyst, who needs to confirm the origin of a data asset to confidently use in my analysis. I go to the MarketingTestProject page and choose the LINEAGE tab. I notice the lineage includes information about the asset as it occurs inside and out of Amazon DataZone. The labels Cataloged, Published, and Access requested represent actions inside the catalog. I expand the market_sales dataset item to see where the data came from.

I now feel assured of the origin of the data asset and trust that it aligns with my business purpose ahead of starting my analysis.

Second, let’s say I am a data engineer. I need to understand the impact of my work on dependent objects to avoid unintended changes. As a data engineer, any changes made to the system should not break any downstream processes. By browsing lineage, I can clearly see who has subscribed and has access to the asset. With this information, I can inform the project teams about an impending change that can affect their pipeline. When a data issue is reported, I can investigate each node and traverse between its versions to dive into what has changed over time to identify the root cause of the issue and fix it in a timely manner.

Finally, as an administrator or steward, I am responsible for securing data, standardizing business taxonomies, enacting data management processes, and for general catalog management. I need to collect details about the source of data and understand the transformations that have happened along the way.

For example, as an administrator looking to respond to questions from an auditor, I traverse the graph upstream to see where the data is coming from and notice that the data is from two different sources: online sale and in-store sale. These sources have their own pipelines until the flow reaches a point where the pipelines merge.

While navigating through the lineage graph, I can expand the columns to ensure sensitive columns are dropped during the transformation processes and respond to the auditors with details in a timely manner.

Join the preview
Data lineage capability is available in preview in all Regions where Amazon DataZone is generally available. For a list of Regions where Amazon DataZone domains can be provisioned, visit AWS Services by Region.

Data lineage costs are dependent on storage usage and API requests, which are already included in Amazon DataZone’s pricing model. For more details, visit Amazon DataZone pricing.

To learn more about data lineage in Amazon DataZone, visit the Amazon DataZone User Guide.

— Esra

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